Greek village, intentionally done in extreme bokeh technique which is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in out-of-focus parts of an image. I decided to try the entire image as an impression of color and shape. Pastel on Velour paper.

Greek Cafe. Pastel on Pastelmat paper

Tree with vine. backyard reference. Pastel on Pastel mat paper, 2019

Portrait of a tree. Pastel, 2019

"Bella" Pastel portrait, 2018

Portrait of "Rocky". Pastel, 2019, Pastel Mat paper

Portrait of "Goldie" also known as GoGo. Early pastel drawing with NuPastel by Prismacolor, which is a very hard, compressed stick. I have later graduated into softer pastels.

Gaston, French Mastiff, 2001, NuPastel One of my very first dog portraits